Hand Soap

Posted by on Sunday, July 19, 2009

Here’s what you do:

In a pot, bring about 3 cups of water to a boil. While the water is coming to a

boil, shave the bar of soap into fragments, or break up the already small pieces of left over soap. The smaller the fragments, the quicker they will dissolve in the boiling water.


  1. If you are going to add essential oils, it is best to mix the oils with a small amount of alcohol. (I like Everclear but rubbing alcohol will work if that is all you have.) This will allow the oils to mix with the water. Otherwise, they will just sit on top your soap.



Things You'll Need:

  • Soap Coloring
  • Soap Fragrance
  • Liquid Soap Dispensers (recycled)
  • Honey
  • Bars Of Soap
  • Glycerin
  • Blenders
  • Graters
  1. Step 1
    Grate one bar of soap.
  2. Step 2
    Place the grated soap and 1 c. boiling water in a blender and set it on "whip."
  3. Step 3
    Add 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. glycerin and stir.
  4. Step 4
    Cool the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes and whip again.
  5. Step 5
    Add cold water to the mixture until you have 6 c.
  6. Step 6
    Whip the mixture again.
  7. Step 7
    Pour it into a storage container and let it cool. Do not place a lid on the container.
  8. Step 8
    Fill a pump dispenser with the soap. Shake before using.



Coffee Soap Recipe

Here is a basic soap recipe that adds the scrubbing power and odor eliminating benefits of coffee grounds. This recipe makes 3 pounds of soap.

Prep Time: 1 hours, 00 minutes


  • 8 oz. palm oil
  • 8 oz. coconut oil
  • 8 oz. olive oil
  • 2 oz. castor oil
  • 9 oz. water or 50:50 combination of water and coffee
  • 3.7 oz. lye
  • 1.2 oz. coffee fragrance oil
  • 2 tbs. of already brewed coffee grounds


Mix your lye solution first and set it aside to cool. Make sure you understand how to make a lye solution with liquids other than water. Measure and heat your solid oils until completely melted. Measure and add the liquid oils to the melted solid oils. When both the lye and the oils are at about 100-120 degrees, slowly pour the lye solution into the oils. Stir with a stick blender, alternating short blasts with the blender and stirring. Mix the soap until it reaches a light trace. Add the fragrance oil and coffee grounds. Mix them into the soap thoroughly. Pour the raw soap into your mold and let it sit for 12-24 hours until it has cooled off completely and is hard enough to cut. Remove it from the mold and slice into bars. Let it cure an additional 2-4 weeks.
