Dishwasher Soap

Posted by on Monday, July 20, 2009

I looked up a few DIY recipes. The easiest calls for one part Borax to one part WASHING soda. The accompanying article includes a helpful cost breakdown.

Amy at Momadvice uses a more kitchen-cabinet-friendly version: 1 cup Borax, 1 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup salt. Test a tablespoon's worth in your next load for effectiveness. If everything's not squeaky clean, add straight vinegar to the rinse compartment next time. I keep mine in a Tupperware canister that's just as easy to pour as Cascade.

Go ahead and buy the giant jug of vinegar. You'll use it to de-stink left-too-long laundry and concoct homemade volcanoes. Borax is handy, too, as a cheap laundry booster and natural insecticide.


Recipe for Dishwasher Soap

Dishwasher soap is easy to make, and cost effective. I mix up a batch in an empty canister, and pour it in the dishwasher as needed.

Mix and use per dishwasher load:

1 Tablespoon Borax

1 Tablespoon Baking soda

Mix equal parts Borax and Baking Soda, and add 2 Tablespoons per load. Increase proportion of soda for hard water. Use vinegar in the rinse cycle.


Cost Comparison:

Depending on how much you pay for your dishwashing detergent and how much you pour into the dispenser will determine how much you are paying per wash for your detergent and spot removing gel.

The cost for this recipe is less than 4 cents per load.

Calculation as follows:

Cost of Borax: $2.50 for 76 ounces = .03/oz or .015 for ½ oz

Cost for Washing Soda: $2.50 for 55 ounces= 4/oz or .02 for ½oz

Recipe calls for ½ ounce of each so the cost per wash is 3.5 cents. How much does your detergent cost (this week)? Next week the price may probably go up.


Liquid Dishwasher Detergent Recipe

1 part baking soda

1 part borax

1 part water

1 drop lemon or orange essential oil per cup of detergent

  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and store in a sealable jug.
  • Use 2 to 3 TBS per load.