Archive for August 2009

Baking Powder Recipe


Royal Baking Powder was a single-acting product made years ago. Here's a recipe for single-acting baking powder you could use in old recipes calling for Royal brand.
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Combine ingredients and store tightly covered. For double-acting baking powder, use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar for each teaspoon needed.


Here is some interesting info i found on store bought baking powder:

“Aluminum in baking soda?

In striving for clarity, baking SODA is (by definition) sodium bicarbonate, a chemical that is extracted from the ground.  It does not contain aluminum nor is aluminum added to it in processing either by intention or through aluminum equipment. 

Baking POWDER is manufactured with baking soda as an ingredient and typically includes a compound containing aluminum.  Marketing baking soda as aluminum-free is simply a marketing strategy to play to consumers' confusion while charging more for it.  As has been noted, no baking soda has aluminum in it. 

Aluminum in baking powder has been known to contribute to a bitter taste. So switching to aluminum-free baking powder should eliminate that problem. “

~ I’m not saying this information is correct, i haven’t searched it out.

My Thoughts on - ‘Toothpaste #3’

Tonight i tried the last toothpaste recipe on this post: Toothpaste Post

I used regular sugar instead of stevia and ended up using 1/2 teaspoon (it probably could have used a bit more)

I also used peppermint extract instead of ‘oil’ and i don’t know if they are actually different or basically the same thing.

It did end up very salty tasting and only slightly minty. But the up side is that it does not leave any after taste so you don’t have to keep on tasting that salty flavor… which is good.

It seems to work well, although this is only my first time using it. My true test will be having my husband, who is really picky, try this. I think it would be something i would continue using. The salt taste is standable, and i believe that could lessen with more sugar and more flavorings.

At Wal-Mart in their craft/wedding section i bought some containers that almost look like old cafe ketchup bottles. I used that to put my homemade toothpaste in and i think it worked very well (although i had to prop it upside down).

I’ll write more after i get more info and opinions on it.